We covet your petitions and intercessions in the following areas…
- Spiritual and physical protection
- Victory in the warfare for the souls of men and women in Prison
- Godly wisdom and scriptural knowledge
- Spiritual discernment to combat heresy, cults and deception
- Financial and logistical support
Prayer: Though the vast majority of world’s peoples, secular and religious, use two words quite loosely – “love” and “pray“. We do little in disciplining ourselves to their practice. As Christians we are admonished to love “God with all our heart, soul, body and mind and your neighbor as yourselves” (MATTHEW 22: 37-39) and we are to be “anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (PHILIPPIANS 4:6) Most of us do not look past the material, physical world into the spiritual realm where the real balance of power lies. It is not what we see that affects our lives, or for that matter world events. It is the unseen “powers and principalities of the air” (EPHESIANS 6:12) that have dominion over the visible circumstances, events and things that make up our earthly lives.
We say all of this to point out that prayer is of the utmost importance in combating a cauldron of demonic and occult activity encountered in prison ministry. Your prayers are needed to enforce Christ’s victory over Satan. We will email you specific prayer needs to you once you subscribe to our prayer notifications.