A letter from Wakulla CI

I’m sitting in my dorm, just hours after the “Fun in the Son” event and I still have a smile on my face! The jokes Sand Dune Dan told were horrible, yet funny enough to share with my wife and kids! I want to thank you for what you do. It is appreciated. I know that you are letting God lead you and serving Him the best that you can, but through this Harvest of Life team, we find Him! “Fun in the Son” isn’t about snacks and treats, it’s about God and reaching those who are lost. The treats are nice and we appreciate them, but it’s the message we crave, it’s your story, Dan!

You’ve been in my shoes. You’ve walked this mile and you know what it’s like to live behind these walls. You got out, listened to God, and came back for those brothers that are left behind! Your story is our story, it’s our hope! When you guys come in here and visit us for those few hours, we are not in prison anymore, we are free! And for that, I thank you!

A letter from Santa Rosa CI

I just want to say, Thank You, for your love and sacrifice in coming in to bless us! I was at Calhoun CI for 2 ½ years and the team always blessed us every month. Last year, I was transferred to Santa Rosa CI Annex. We have a great chapel program with lots of dedicated volunteers. The only thing missing was the monthly visits from the Harvest of Life team!

Then, just last week, I saw Harvest of Life on the calendar to start coming in here monthly! I only recognized one volunteer from Calhoun, but I was introduced to new people who make up this wonderful team called Harvest of Life! Thank you!  I hope and pray that I continue to see this great Harvest of Life team every month and see even more volunteers coming in with them! Thank you for being faithful and praise God for His faithfulness in our lives!

A letter from an I.C.E. Facility

I am writing this letter to greet you and to thank you for the Bible I received! I really appreciate it!

I never thought I would find my Lord here, in prison; actually, He found me! I was lost but God found me and has transformed me. I am a new person with new thoughts, a new heart. Praise the Lord! He opened my eyes and now I see the truth. Glory to God the Father and to Jesus!

I come from a family of non-believers. I am the first one who has surrendered to Jesus. Jesus has helped me to gain wisdom and understanding so that I can share the Gospel with my brothers and testify of the true God.

I am so happy because I got my Bible right before my release from prison, which will be February 22nd, when I will be deported to my country, Mexico. I didn’t find what I came to this country seeking – money – but I will return to my homeland joyful because the KING OF KINGS & LORD OF LORDS found me and now lives in my heart! May God bless you abundantly!

Thank you and may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

A letter from Marion CI

There are few moments that men in my situation look forward to more than visits. Unfortunately, a large part of us do not get many of those; if any. I am in the few-and-far-between group who do receive visits. So, when men and women like you, Dan, and the folks with Harvest of Life Prison Ministry take time out of their lives to bring a little light into the darkness of prison life, well, grateful is the very least we can be. Exuberant might be the better word! For me, anyway.

Harvest of Life has been a part of my life for many years now. The joy, hope, and love you share through example and the Word of God is life changing. Both physical and spiritual. Whether by weekly Bible study classes, special events, or holiday gatherings and fellowship, you and your team have uplifted the lives of countless men. The fact that you wonderful people choose to come INTO a prison – WILLINGLY – can only be explained as the moving of the Holy Spirit of God! Well, either that or you are all a bit loopy😊.  So, on behalf of every man behind these fences, I thank you; with all my heart!

May God continue to bless you, look favorably upon you and increase all you put your hand to do.

A letter from Calhoun CI

It was great timing getting the card you sent me. I have been going through a lot lately and when I received that card and read what you wrote it was exactly what I needed to get me out of the slump I was in. The whole Harvest of Life team have been such an inspiration to me that when I get out, I want to go back into the prison system, just as you all do, bringing the Word of God and truly changing lives forever. It’s crazy because if you would have met me before getting into trouble and coming to prison you would have never thought I would change my ways and become a Christian. I had plans but God had different plans for me. Even in prison I am more free, joyful, and full of life than I ever was before. Life is still not always a bed of roses but even in trials and tribulations I keep my faith and lean on God to guide me through. Sometimes things don’t work out the way I want them to, but I have faith that God is at work and working things out for the best. I miss the Harvest of Life group so much! You all were my favorite group because I knew every one of you cared about us. No one even had to say it, everyone’s actions said it for them.  I appreciated every group that came, but to be honest, none of them brought the message or presence of God with them like you all did! God is with you all and it is evident in all that you do. Thank you all so much for leading me to God. I came to the chapel for the first time so lost, tired, sad, alone, broken, and exhausted. I left the chapel that same day with all the baggage and weight of the world lifted off me. I found God that day and I owe it all to God and the Harvest of Life group. Thank you so much for all that you do and for saving a lost man of the world like me. I pray that God continues to bless you all and work through you.