Who Is Dan Nase?
“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31
It all started in Maas Brothers, of course, in 1966. Back when men pulled their women by the hair, all vehicles had square wheels, telephones were tin cans with wires attached and everyone ate Beatles and also listened to them on the radio. Dan worked as a stock boy at the department store while waiting for his reporting date for active duty in the U.S. Army. Marilyn worked in the cosmetic department while she waited for the right man to enter her life. You know, a handsome, intelligent and sensitive sort of guy, able to sweep her off her feet. Well that fateful event occurred in September. After a torrid romantic period of eating Marilyn’s mom’s cooking, night’s at places like the dog track and afternoons on the beach, Dan finally accepted Marilyn’s proposal and they were married July 1, 1967.
The adventure began, complete with all the ups and downs associated with matrimonial bliss. Dan soon departed for Vietnam and Marilyn settled in Belleair Beach, Florida with Stephanie, their firstborn. Upon his return, the couple lived in California for five years where Tiffany and Melanie were born. The search for fame and fortune led them back to Florida where Dan was climbing the corporate ladder in the construction supply industry, while Marilyn spent her time doing what she has always wanted to do . . . to raise a family. She has been a wonderful wife and a devoted mother to her three girls. The couple was fortunate that Dan’s income was sufficient to allow Marilyn to carry out this most high and honorable calling.
Marilyn did a wonderful job because the girls turned out to be the “joy of their life”. Thanks to the grace of God, the marriage and family remained in tact through some very difficult situations and all five of them to this day love . . . and yes, like each other! That faithful day back on July 1, 1978, when the entire family accepted Jesus as Savior and were baptized, guaranteed their success as a family.
Dan and Marilyn are truly grateful for what God has brought to pass through His love and mercy. Both feel that if God had not intervened when He did that more than likely their marriage would have gone the way of divorce. Putting Jesus first has truly given their union purpose and a desire to succeed in God’s ordained plan for a man and woman.
Stephanie, Tiffany and Melanie have been wonderful, caring and loving children to their own families and friends, but also have contributed to our society as a whole by exhibiting the character and conviction to Biblical principles. Attributes and values are needed to make a country function at its most basic level . . . the family. In pursuit of their own dreams, they have never forgotten the importance of loving one another and extending a helping and caring hand to those less fortunate. They are a source of much pride and joy to their parents. Never once have they failed in their testimony as citizens, family members, or Christians. They are truly the “jewels on the family crown”. May God continue to bless them in all they do for they represent Dan and Marilyn’s heritage and greatest achievement!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3